Pea "Nefryt"
Pea "Nefryt".
Early variety for canning, prolific, resistant to lodging and unfavouruable growing conditions, steadly maturing to a height of 50-70 cm, with stiff stems.
Recommended for direct consumption and processing.
Seeds are sweet, wrinkled with high taste values.
1,0 g = 4-8 seeds.
Early variety for canning, prolific, resistant to lodging and unfavouruable growing conditions, steadly maturing to a height of 50-70 cm, with stiff stems.
Recommended for direct consumption and processing.
Seeds are sweet, wrinkled with high taste values.
1,0 g = 4-8 seeds.
Eng.: Wrinkled pea. Suom.: Herne. Sven.: Märgärt.